Business Valuation
We evaluate and analyze the value of a company using various analytical methods and provide strategic direction to facilitate NASDAQ and OTC registration.
Strategic Investment Advice
We offer strategic investment advice and services to maximize the company’s value, assessing the appropriateness of the required capital based on the business plan, and providing advice and representation on the procedures for capital raising.
Foreign Investment and Negotiation
We arrange and facilitate capital attraction from foreign institutional investors and fund companies, offering advice and representation on investor selection and negotiation to enhance the company’s value (applicable from OTC QB and above).
Due Diligence
Essential for OTC registration, we prioritize conducting due diligence on the relevant company to ensure it meets OTC standards. We identify and address any deficiencies through reinforcement measures.
Corporate Finance & Brokerage
We collaborate with various professional institutions and provide legal and financial advice to secure the necessary funds for the company, helping to develop business channels.
U.S. Listing Services (OTC PINK, etc.)
We provide consulting on the time required for reverse registration on NASDAQ OTC PINK, establish U.S. corporations, adjust status within the U.S., resolve legal disputes, and manage offices (phone and mailbox management/staff) to support growth.
Post-Listing Management on OTC and NASDAQ
We professionally prepare the various documents and reports required by the SEC and FINRA to ensure that the business operates stably within the U.S.